Landfill Services
Land and Lakes owns and operates a Subtitle D municipal solid waste landfill in southern Cook County. We accept non-hazardous municipal solid waste, special waste, and some types of asbestos.
Land & Lakes is committed to responsible solid waste management. We have adopted sound landfill engineering designs such as membrane liners and cap systems to ensure safe and secure containment of waste materials. Environmental conditions, such as groundwater and air quality are monitored regularly to ensure the safety of the surrounding land and preserve land use for future generations. Additionally, Land & Lakes recovers the methane gas produced by the landfill and utilizes a co-generation system to produce electricity, which is sold to ComEd under a long-term contract.
Land & Lakes offers long-term disposal capacity for clean fill in Will County near Romeoville, Illinois. Our clean fill operations accepts the following types of materials: uncontaminated soils, sand, broken concrete with no protruding metal, rebar or pipe, bricks, stone / rock and reclaimed asphalt.
Land & Lakes also provides services for the private sector, municipalities and government agencies for the engineering, construction, closure and remediation of both municipal solid waste and industrial landfills.
Our engineers and disposal specialists are dedicated to the safe and responsible management of waste and work diligently to ensure compliance with all federal, state and local environmental regulations.
For more than 40 years, Land & Lakes has offered environmentally-safe waste disposal services to municipal, commercial, industrial and residential customers.
Whether through disposal at our Subtitle D sanitary landfill, recycling materials through one of our two transfer stations, composting landscape waste or disposal of uncontaminated inert waste at our clean fill facility, Land & Lakes is conscientious in the management of solid waste disposal and recovery of reusable materials.
Our engineers and disposal specialists are dedicated to ensuring compliance with all federal, state and local environmental regulations. Land & Lakes utilizes only those processes, techniques and technologies that safeguard our environment today and work to improve our environment for tomorrow.
Land & Lakes is committed to the safe, environmentally-compliant and responsible management of solid waste disposal.
>>River Bend Prairie Transfer Station PDF
>>River Bend Prairie Landfill PDF